How to get from Terni to Trento by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Terni and Trento is 408 kilometers (253 miles).
Driving distance from Terni to Trento is 537 kilometers (333 miles)
Route Map
Routes from terni-umbria to trento-trentino-sudtirol
4 Ways from Terni (Italy/Umbria) to Trento (Italy/Trentino-Sudtirol)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Viale di Porta Sant'Angelo 227 m
2. Continue onto Piazzale dell'Acciaio 25 m
3. Continue onto Viale Mario Umberto Borzacchini, SR79 872 m
4. Continue onto Viale Eroi dell'Aria, SR79 619 m
5. Keep right 24.54 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Terni (Italy/Umbria) to Trento (Italy/Trentino-Sudtirol)?
How do I get from Terni (Italy/Umbria) to Trento (Italy/Trentino-Sudtirol) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Terni (Italy/Umbria) to Trento (Italy/Trentino-Sudtirol)?
Trips from Terni
TerniBergamoTerniVeniceTerniMateraTerniVeronaTerniArezzoTerniMilanTerniMantuaTerniFrosinoneTerniParmaTrips to Trento (Italy/Trentino-Sudtirol)
TerniTrentoRumoTrentoLevico TermeTrentoFoggiaTrentoGardoloTrentoCivitanova MarcheTrentoMoriTrentoCassano d'AddaTrentoStoroTrentoInformation about Stations
All station in Terni (Italy/Umbria)
Terni Alvaro Leonardi Airport All station in Trento (Italy/Trentino-Sudtirol)
Trento Mattarello Airport Trento