How to get from Viterbo to Pescara by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Viterbo and Pescara is 172 kilometers (107 miles).
Driving distance from Viterbo to Pescara is 288 kilometers (179 miles)
Route Map
Routes from viterbo-lazio to pescara-abruzzo
4 Ways from Viterbo (Italy/Lazio) to Pescara (Italy/Abruzzo)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Piazza del Plebiscito 269 m
2. Turn right onto Piazza dei Caduti 416 m
3. Continue onto Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 177 m
4. Turn left onto Viale Raniero Capocci 203 m
5. Keep right onto Piazzale Antonio Gramsci 41 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Viterbo (Italy/Lazio) to Pescara (Italy/Abruzzo)?
How do I get from Viterbo (Italy/Lazio) to Pescara (Italy/Abruzzo) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Viterbo (Italy/Lazio) to Pescara (Italy/Abruzzo)?
Trips from Viterbo
ViterboLatinaViterboPerugiaViterboRomeViterboFlorenceViterboFrosinoneViterboCasertaViterboTerniViterboNaplesViterboLuccaTrips to Pescara (Italy/Abruzzo)
ScaleaPescaraTriestePescaraItaliaPescaraNovaraPescaraFolignoPescaraNettunoPescaraAlessandriaPescaraCampobassoPescaraTarantoPescaraInformation about Stations
All station in Viterbo (Italy/Lazio)
Rome Viterbo Airport Viterbo All station in Pescara (Italy/Abruzzo)
Pescara Abruzzo International Airport