How to get from Tokyo to Sakura by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Tokyo and Sakura is 42 kilometers (26 miles).
Driving distance from Tokyo to Sakura is 47 kilometers (29 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Tokyo (Japan/Tokyo) to Sakura (Japan/Chiba)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto 内堀通り, 301 364 m
2. Turn right onto 永代通り, 403 181 m
3. Continue onto 永代通り, 1, 20 486 m
4. Turn left onto 江戸通り, 407 700 m
5. Continue onto 江戸通り, 4, 6 1.27 km
6. Turn right onto 京葉道路, 14 11.39 km
7. Keep right 5.47 km
8. Keep left 1.15 km
9. Turn slight right onto 千葉街道, 14 798 m
10. Turn left onto 船橋停車場線, 39 296 m
11. Turn right 2.59 km
12. Turn left onto 国道296号, 296 16.56 km
13. Turn left onto 国道296号, 296 974 m
14. Turn right onto 国道296号, 296 1.87 km
15. Turn left onto 国道296号, 296 2.65 km
16. Turn right onto 国道296号, 296 215 m
17. Turn right 113 m
18. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Tokyo (Japan/Tokyo) to Sakura (Japan/Chiba)?
How do I get from Tokyo (Japan/Tokyo) to Sakura (Japan/Chiba) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Tokyo (Japan/Tokyo) to Sakura (Japan/Chiba)?

Trips to Sakura (Japan/Chiba)
