How to get from Kuantan to Ipoh by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Kuantan and Ipoh is 263 kilometers (163 miles).
Driving distance from Kuantan to Ipoh is 434 kilometers (269 miles)
Route Map
Routes from kuantan-pahang to ipoh-perak
4 Ways from Kuantan (Malaysia/Pahang) to Ipoh (Malaysia/Perak)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 30 m
2. Turn left 36 m
3. Turn right 121 m
4. Turn right 30 m
5. Turn left 25.33 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Kuantan (Malaysia/Pahang) to Ipoh (Malaysia/Perak)?
How do I get from Kuantan (Malaysia/Pahang) to Ipoh (Malaysia/Perak) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Kuantan (Malaysia/Pahang) to Ipoh (Malaysia/Perak)?
Trips from Kuantan
KuantanBatu PahatKuantanDungunKuantanChukaiKuantanPasir GudangKuantanKuala LumpurKuantanTaipingKuantanSegamatKuantanSingaporeKuantanMuarTrips to Ipoh (Malaysia/Perak)
ArauIpohSungai NibongIpohSelangorIpohSungai GombakIpohGemenchehIpohSlim RiverIpohSunway UniversityIpohGopengIpohKolej Yayasan UEMIpohOther interesting routes
JohorKelantanKuala LumpurMelakaNegeri SembilanPahangSelangorTerengganuJohorInformation about Stations
All station in Kuantan (Malaysia/Pahang)
Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah All station in Ipoh (Malaysia/Perak)
Ipoh Airport Ipoh