How to get from Rioja to Chachapoyas by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Rioja and Chachapoyas is 80 kilometers (50 miles).
Driving distance from Rioja to Chachapoyas is 228 kilometers (141 miles)
Route Map
Routes from rioja-san-martin to chachapoyas-amazonas
4 Ways from Rioja (Peru/San Martin) to Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 29 m
2. Turn left 659 m
3. Turn right 79 m
4. Turn left 412 m
5. Keep left 20 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Rioja (Peru/San Martin) to Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas)?
How do I get from Rioja (Peru/San Martin) to Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Rioja (Peru/San Martin) to Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas)?
Trips to Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas)
MoyobambaChachapoyasLambayequeChachapoyasBagua GrandeChachapoyasYurimaguasChachapoyasCajamarcaChachapoyasIquitosChachapoyasSullanaChachapoyasRiojaChachapoyasPiuraChachapoyasOther interesting routes
AmazonasAncashCajamarcaLa LibertadLambayequeLoretoSan MartinProvincia de Zamora ChinchipeInformation about Stations
All station in Rioja (Peru/San Martin)
Rioja Juan Simons Vela All station in Chachapoyas (Peru/Amazonas)
Chachapoyas Airport Chachapoyas