How to get from Calbayog to Butuan by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Calbayog and Butuan is 362 kilometers (224 miles).
Driving distance from Calbayog to Butuan is 527 kilometers (327 miles)
Route Map
Routes from calbayog-samar to butuan-butuan
4 Ways from Calbayog (Philippines/Samar) to Butuan (Philippines/Butuan)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Bugallon 35 m
2. Turn right onto Rueda 53 m
3. Turn left onto Jose D. Avelino Street, 1, AH26 8.77 km
4. Turn slight right onto Maharlika Highway, 1, AH26 21.00 km
5. Turn right onto Gandara Diversion Road, 677 1.39 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Calbayog (Philippines/Samar) to Butuan (Philippines/Butuan)?
How do I get from Calbayog (Philippines/Samar) to Butuan (Philippines/Butuan) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Calbayog (Philippines/Samar) to Butuan (Philippines/Butuan)?
Trips from Calbayog
CalbayogBaguioCalbayogIliganCalbayogLapu-LapuCalbayogCatbaloganCalbayogBaybayCalbayogTaclobanCalbayogSan FernandoCalbayogValenciaCalbayogGeneral TriasTrips to Butuan (Philippines/Butuan)
San FranciscoButuanTandagButuanChocolate Hills, BoholButuanCalbayogButuanGingoogButuanDumagueteButuanGeneral SantosButuanAntipoloButuanTagumButuanInformation about Stations
All station in Calbayog (Philippines/Samar)
Calbayog Airport Calbayog All station in Butuan (Philippines/Butuan)
Butuan Airport Butuan