How to get from Cebu City to Tagbilaran by car, foot, truck, bike

Distance between Cebu City and Tagbilaran is 73 kilometers (45 miles).
Driving distance from Cebu City to Tagbilaran is 118 kilometers (73 miles)

Cebu CityTagbilaran
Leaving from
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Route Map

4 Ways from Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu) to Tagbilaran (Philippines/Bohol)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto City Hall Lane 106 m
2. Turn right onto Dionisio Jakosalem Street 176 m
3. Turn left onto Osmeña Boulevard 795 m
4. Turn left onto P. del Rosario Street, 8 2.89 km
5. Keep left onto Natalio Bacalso Avenue, 8 34.99 km
6. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Natalio Bacalso Avenue, 8 17.87 km
7. Turn left 25.57 km
8. Turn sharp left 204 m
9. Continue 551 m
10. Turn right onto Tagbilaran North Road, 850 21.48 km
11. Turn right onto Tagbilaran North Road, 850 14.03 km
12. Turn slight right onto J.S. Torralba Street 32 m
13. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu) to Tagbilaran (Philippines/Bohol)?
How do I get from Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu) to Tagbilaran (Philippines/Bohol) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu) to Tagbilaran (Philippines/Bohol)?

Information about Stations

All station in Cebu City (Philippines/Cebu)
Mactan-Cebu International Airport Cebu
All station in Tagbilaran (Philippines/Bohol)
Bohol-Panglao Tagbilaran