How to get from Sopot to Lublin by rideshare, car, walk, bike, truck

Distance between Sopot and Lublin is 445 kilometers (276 miles).
Driving distance from Sopot to Lublin is 603 kilometers (374 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from sopot-pomorskie to lublin-lubelskie

5 Ways from Sopot (Poland/Pomorskie) to Lublin (Poland/Lubelskie)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Powstańców Warszawy 273 m
2. Turn right onto Fryderyka Chopina 487 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Tadeusza Kościuszki 672 m
4. Turn right onto 3 Maja 248 m
5. Turn left onto Aleja Niepodległości, 468 2.75 km
6. Turn right onto Opata Jacka Rybińskiego, 218 6.65 km
7. Turn left 315.87 km
8. Keep right 379 m
9. Keep left 92.12 km
10. Keep left onto Węzeł Konotopa, S2 34.04 km
11. Keep right 333 m
12. Keep right 138.89 km
13. Keep left onto 874 10.35 km
14. Turn right onto Plac Zamkowy 103 m
15. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Sopot (Poland/Pomorskie) to Lublin (Poland/Lubelskie)?
How do I get from Sopot (Poland/Pomorskie) to Lublin (Poland/Lubelskie) the fastest?
How do I travel from Sopot (Poland/Pomorskie) to Lublin (Poland/Lubelskie) without a car?
How far is it from Sopot (Poland/Pomorskie) to Lublin (Poland/Lubelskie)?
How long does it take to get from Sopot (Poland/Pomorskie) to Lublin (Poland/Lubelskie)?