How to get from Chaves to Vila Real by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Chaves and Vila Real is 54 kilometers (33 miles).
Driving distance from Chaves to Vila Real is 70 kilometers (43 miles)
Route Map
Routes from chaves-vila-real to vila-real-vila-real
4 Ways from Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real) to Vila Real (Portugal/Vila Real)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rua da Infantaria 19 64 m
2. Turn right onto Rua da Tulha 55 m
3. Turn left onto Rua da Tulha 9 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Rua 1º de Dezembro 395 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Avenida Nuno Álvares 642 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real) to Vila Real (Portugal/Vila Real)?
How do I get from Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real) to Vila Real (Portugal/Vila Real) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real) to Vila Real (Portugal/Vila Real)?
Trips from Chaves
ChavesPortoChavesLisbonChavesBarcelosChavesVila Nova de GaiaChavesOdivelasChavesMacedo de CavaleirosChavesBragaChavesTorres VedrasChavesOdivelasTrips to Vila Real (Portugal/Vila Real)
OdivelasVila RealSintraVila RealAveiroVila RealArcos de ValdevezVila RealParedesVila RealCoimbraVila RealMacedo de CavaleirosVila RealValladolidVila RealCascaisVila RealOther interesting routes
BragancaViana do CasteloAveiroBragaBragancaGaliciaViana do CasteloVila RealViseuInformation about Stations
All station in Chaves (Portugal/Vila Real)
Chaves Airport Chaves All station in Vila Real (Portugal/Vila Real)
Vila Real Airport Vila