How to get from Prince Albert to Johannesburg by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Prince Albert and Johannesburg is 973 kilometers (603 miles).
Driving distance from Prince Albert to Johannesburg is 1100 kilometers (682 miles)

Prince AlbertJohannesburg
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Route Map

Routes from prince-albert-western-cape to johannesburg-gauteng

4 Ways from Prince Albert (South Africa/Western Cape) to Johannesburg (South Africa/Gauteng)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Church Street, R407 46.80 km
2. Turn sharp left onto Droëkloofpoort, N12 110.64 km
3. Turn right onto N1, N12 7.84 km
4. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Donkin Street, N1, N12 314.67 km
5. Keep left 331 m
6. Continue onto R717 162 m
7. Turn right 289 m
8. Continue onto N1 605.15 km
9. Keep left onto Southern Bypass, N12 3.22 km
10. Keep left 7.66 km
11. Keep right 1.26 km
12. Keep left 1.31 km
13. Turn right onto Albertina Sisulu Road, R24 799 m
14. Turn right onto Polly Street 87 m
15. Turn right onto Commissioner Street, R24 50 m
16. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Prince Albert (South Africa/Western Cape) to Johannesburg (South Africa/Gauteng)?
How do I get from Prince Albert (South Africa/Western Cape) to Johannesburg (South Africa/Gauteng) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Prince Albert (South Africa/Western Cape) to Johannesburg (South Africa/Gauteng)?