How to get from Broto to Barbastro by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Broto and Barbastro is 66 kilometers (41 miles).
Driving distance from Broto to Barbastro is 94 kilometers (58 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Broto (Spain/Aragon) to Barbastro (Spain/Aragon)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 5 m
2. Turn right 34 m
3. Turn right onto Calle Santa Cruz 76 m
4. Turn right onto Avenida de Ordesa, N-260a 1.10 km
5. Turn right onto N-260a 12.36 km
6. Keep left onto Eje Pirenaico, N-260 31 m
7. Keep right onto Eje Pirenaico, N-260 26.66 km
8. Turn right onto Avenida del Sobrarbe, A-138 225 m
9. Turn right onto Avenida Sobrarbe, A-138 12 m
10. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Avenida Sobrarbe, A-138 36.23 km
11. Keep right onto A-1122 114 m
12. Keep right 24 m
13. Turn slight right onto A-138 9.80 km
14. Keep left onto N-123 65 m
15. Turn sharp right onto N-123 5.18 km
16. Turn sharp right onto SC H06 72 m
17. Continue onto Avenida de los Pirineos, SC H06 2.34 km
18. Turn right onto Plaza de la Diputación 28 m
19. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Broto (Spain/Aragon) to Barbastro (Spain/Aragon)?
How do I get from Broto (Spain/Aragon) to Barbastro (Spain/Aragon) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Broto (Spain/Aragon) to Barbastro (Spain/Aragon)?