How to get from Ceuta to Algeciras by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Ceuta and Algeciras is 30 kilometers (19 miles).
Driving distance from Ceuta to Algeciras is 41 kilometers (25 miles)
Route Map
Routes from ceuta-ceuta to algeciras-andalucia
4 Ways from Ceuta (Spain/Ceuta) to Algeciras (Spain/Andalucia)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Calle Álvarez 64 m
2. Turn sharp left onto Calle Canalejas 106 m
3. Turn right onto Calle Real 32 m
4. Turn left onto Calle Azkarate 60 m
5. Turn right onto Calle María Salud Tejero 172 m
See more
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Ceuta (Spain/Ceuta) to Algeciras (Spain/Andalucia)?
How do I get from Ceuta (Spain/Ceuta) to Algeciras (Spain/Andalucia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Ceuta (Spain/Ceuta) to Algeciras (Spain/Andalucia)?
Trips to Algeciras (Spain/Andalucia)
MontpellierAlgecirasFaroAlgecirasLagosAlgecirasEsteponaAlgecirasLilleAlgecirasPuerto LumbrerasAlgecirasGandiaAlgecirasGuadiaroAlgecirasConil de la FronteraAlgecirasOther interesting routes
CeutaTanger-TetouanGharb-Chrarda-Beni HssenTanger-TetouanTaza-Al Hoceima-TaounateAndaluciaInformation about Stations
All station in Ceuta (Spain/Ceuta)
Ceuta Heliport Ceuta All station in Algeciras (Spain/Andalucia)
Algeciras Heliport Algeciras