How to get from Örebro to Gothenburg by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Örebro and Gothenburg is 257 kilometers (159 miles).
Driving distance from Örebro to Gothenburg is 284 kilometers (176 miles)
Route Map
Routes from rebro-orebro to gothenburg-vastra-gotaland
4 Ways from Örebro (Sweden/Orebro) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Olaigatan 330 m
2. Turn left onto Östra Bangatan 2.38 km
3. Keep left onto Södra Infartsleden 49.06 km
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto E 20 49.09 km
5. Continue onto E 20, 26 42.74 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Örebro (Sweden/Orebro) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)?
How do I get from Örebro (Sweden/Orebro) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Örebro (Sweden/Orebro) to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)?
Trips from Örebro
ÖrebroStockholmÖrebroHelsingborgÖrebroUppsalaÖrebroStockholmÖrebroHelsingborgÖrebroUppsalaÖrebroHalmstadÖrebroStockholmÖrebroMalmoTrips to Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)
SandvikenGothenburgBraunschweigGothenburgAngeredGothenburgÄngelholmGothenburgTosserydGothenburgNew DelhiGothenburgRotebroGothenburgDamannapetGothenburgÅmålGothenburgOther interesting routes
DalarnaOrebroOrebro LanOstergotlandSodermanlandUppsalaVarmlandVastmanlandVastmanlands LanInformation about Stations
All station in Örebro (Sweden/Orebro)
Orebro-Bofors Airport Örebro All station in Gothenburg (Sweden/Vastra Gotaland)
Goteborg Landvetter Airport Gothenburg