How to get from Basel to Leipzig by rideshare, car, walk, bike, truck

Distance between Basel and Leipzig is 544 kilometers (337 miles).
Driving distance from Basel to Leipzig is 706 kilometers (438 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from basel-alsace to leipzig-sachsen

5 Ways from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Leipzig (Germany/Sachsen)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Marktgasse 108 m
2. Turn left onto Schifflände 574 m
3. Turn right onto Johanniterbrücke 1.09 km
4. Turn left onto Riehenring 690 m
5. At roundabout, take exit 3 onto Riehenring, 18 241 m
6. Continue 2.24 km
7. Keep left onto A 5 188.28 km
8. Keep right onto A 5 204 m
9. Keep left onto A 5 327 m
10. Continue onto A 5 43.43 km
11. Keep right 319 m
12. Keep left onto A 5 350 m
13. Continue onto A 5 4.56 km
14. Keep right 241 m
15. Keep left 509 m
16. Keep left 14.32 km
17. Keep right 194 m
18. Keep left 379 m
19. Keep left onto A 5 189.78 km
20. Keep right 181.24 km
21. Keep right 212 m
22. Keep left 532 m
23. Keep right 526 m
24. Keep left 44.21 km
25. Keep right 297 m
26. Keep right 15.88 km
27. Keep right 277 m
28. Keep left 31 m
29. Turn left onto B 186 1.55 km
30. Keep right onto Rippachtalstraße 4.47 km
31. Turn right onto Gerhard-Ellrodt-Straße, S 46 1.15 km
32. Turn left onto Bismarckstraße 895 m
33. Turn right onto Arthur-Nagel-Straße 48 m
34. Turn left onto Dieskaustraße 3.00 km
35. Turn right onto Karl-Heine-Straße 2.81 km
36. Turn right onto Tröndlinring, B 87 391 m
37. Turn right onto Am Hallischen Tor 131 m
38. Turn right onto Brühl 266 m
39. Turn left onto Böttchergäßchen 110 m
40. Turn right onto Reichsstraße 109 m
41. Turn right onto Salzgäßchen 77 m
42. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Leipzig (Germany/Sachsen)?
How do I get from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Leipzig (Germany/Sachsen) the fastest?
How do I travel from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Leipzig (Germany/Sachsen) without a car?
How far is it from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Leipzig (Germany/Sachsen)?
How long does it take to get from Basel (Switzerland/Alsace) to Leipzig (Germany/Sachsen)?