How to get from Geneva to Bergamo by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Geneva and Bergamo is 278 kilometers (172 miles).
Driving distance from Geneva to Bergamo is 359 kilometers (223 miles)
Route Map
Routes from geneva-rhone-alpes to bergamo-lombardia
4 Ways from Geneva (Switzerland/Rhone-Alpes) to Bergamo (Italy/Lombardia)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rue Jean-Calvin 137 m
2. Turn right onto Rue Henri-Fazy 264 m
3. Turn slight right onto Place de Neuve 44 m
4. Turn sharp left onto Place de Neuve 530 m
5. Turn left onto Place des Casemates 92 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Geneva (Switzerland/Rhone-Alpes) to Bergamo (Italy/Lombardia)?
How do I get from Geneva (Switzerland/Rhone-Alpes) to Bergamo (Italy/Lombardia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Geneva (Switzerland/Rhone-Alpes) to Bergamo (Italy/Lombardia)?
Trips from Geneva
GenevaLe MansGenevaComoGenevaSkopjeGenevaAmsterdamGenevaMarbellaGenevaNaplesGenevaTunisGenevaZurichGenevaAngersTrips to Bergamo (Italy/Lombardia)
VillongoBergamoTurinBergamoFrankfurt am MainBergamoKyivBergamoBrindisiBergamoPolicoroBergamoColicoBergamoLuganoBergamoChiariBergamoInformation about Stations
All station in Geneva (Switzerland/Rhone-Alpes)
Geneve Airport Geneva All station in Bergamo (Italy/Lombardia)
Milan Bergamo Orio al