How to get from Lugano to Parma by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Lugano and Parma is 172 kilometers (107 miles).
Driving distance from Lugano to Parma is 204 kilometers (126 miles)
Route Map
Routes from lugano-ticino to parma-emilia-romagna
4 Ways from Lugano (Switzerland/Ticino) to Parma (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Via Massimiliano Magatti, 404 194 m
2. Turn right onto Piazza Alessandro Manzoni, 404 38 m
3. Turn right onto Riva Vincenzo Vela, 404 699 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Riva Caccia, 404 701 m
5. Turn right onto Via Giuseppe Cattori, 2 248 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Lugano (Switzerland/Ticino) to Parma (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)?
How do I get from Lugano (Switzerland/Ticino) to Parma (Italy/Emilia-Romagna) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Lugano (Switzerland/Ticino) to Parma (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)?
Trips from Lugano
LuganoVeniceLuganoTilburgLuganoComoLuganoRomeLuganoBernLuganoGenoaLuganoFlorenceLuganoKyotoLuganoMonacoTrips to Parma (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)
AlessandriaParmaCisa PassParmaZurichParmaAgriturismo Montevecchio Isolani, Monte San PietroParmaVastoParmaCattolicaParmaLecceParmaSarnoParmaSalernoParmaInformation about Stations
All station in Lugano (Switzerland/Ticino)
Lugano Airport Lugano All station in Parma (Italy/Emilia-Romagna)
Parma Airport Parma