How to get from Ceyhan to Gaziantep by rideshare, car, walk, truck, bike

Distance between Ceyhan and Gaziantep is 139 kilometers (86 miles).
Driving distance from Ceyhan to Gaziantep is 178 kilometers (110 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from ceyhan-adana to gaziantep-gaziantep

5 Ways from Ceyhan (Turkey/Adana) to Gaziantep (Turkey/Gaziantep)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 100 m
2. Turn left 11 m
3. Turn sharp left 571 m
4. Turn right onto İnönü Bulvarı 1.12 km
5. At roundabout, take exit 1 86 m
6. At roundabout, take exit 2 161 m
7. At roundabout, take exit 2 392 m
8. Keep right 1.23 km
9. Turn right onto Otoban Bağlantı Yolu Bulvarı, D817 2.02 km
10. Keep left onto Otoban Bağlantı Yolu Bulvarı 659 m
11. Keep left onto Otoban Bağlantı Yolu Bulvarı 12.20 km
12. Keep left onto Adana-Şanlıurfa Otoyolu, O-52 139.76 km
13. Keep right 1.12 km
14. Turn left onto Kahramanmaraş-Gaziantep yolu, D835 17.34 km
15. Keep right 1.54 km
16. Turn right onto Istasyon Caddesi 125 m
17. Turn sharp left 39 m
18. Keep right onto Araptarlı Sokak 172 m
19. Turn right onto Dayı Ahmet Ağa Sokak 57 m
20. Turn left 64 m
21. Keep right 96 m
22. Turn right onto Karagöz Caddesi 112 m
23. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Ceyhan (Turkey/Adana) to Gaziantep (Turkey/Gaziantep)?
How do I get from Ceyhan (Turkey/Adana) to Gaziantep (Turkey/Gaziantep) the fastest?
How do I travel from Ceyhan (Turkey/Adana) to Gaziantep (Turkey/Gaziantep) without a car?
How far is it from Ceyhan (Turkey/Adana) to Gaziantep (Turkey/Gaziantep)?
How long does it take to get from Ceyhan (Turkey/Adana) to Gaziantep (Turkey/Gaziantep)?