How to get from Reading to York by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Reading and York is 278 kilometers (172 miles).
Driving distance from Reading to York is 339 kilometers (210 miles)
Route Map
Routes from reading-reading to york-york
4 Ways from Reading (United Kingdom/Reading) to York (United Kingdom/York)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Blagrave Street 72 m
2. Turn right onto Wiston Terrace 63 m
3. Turn left 95 m
4. Turn right onto Blagrave Street 61 m
5. Turn left onto Forbury Road 132 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Reading (United Kingdom/Reading) to York (United Kingdom/York)?
How do I get from Reading (United Kingdom/Reading) to York (United Kingdom/York) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Reading (United Kingdom/Reading) to York (United Kingdom/York)?
Trips from Reading
ReadingGlasgowReadingBrightonReadingCity of WestminsterReadingCity of LondonReadingBelfastReadingWakefieldReadingCoventryReadingSunderlandReadingDundeeTrips to York (United Kingdom/York)
BostonYorkWiggintonYorkSutton on the ForestYorkWheldrakeYorkMorpethYorkChesterfieldYorkRochdaleYorkVoddeduYorkClifton Moor TescoYorkInformation about Stations
All station in Reading (United Kingdom/Reading)
Reading West Reading Station All station in York (United Kingdom/York)
Poppleton York StationYork York StationMurton Park York Station