How to get from Albany to Salem by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Albany and Salem is 34 kilometers (21 miles).
Driving distance from Albany to Salem is 38 kilometers (24 miles)
Route Map
Routes from albany-oregon to salem-oregon
4 Ways from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Salem (United States/Oregon)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto 2nd Avenue Southwest 1.09 km
2. Keep right onto Main Street Southeast 68 m
3. At roundabout, take exit 4 onto Salem Avenue Southeast 2.14 km
4. Turn right onto Albany Avenue 133 m
5. Turn sharp left onto Pacific Boulevard Southeast, OR 99E 266 m
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The best way to get from Albany, Oregon to Salem, Oregon
To get from Albany to Salem, the most convenient and cost-effective option is to take the bus or Amtrak train. The bus ride takes around 45-50 minutes and runs multiple times a day, while the Amtrak train takes about 30 minutes and also has several daily schedules. \n\nTickets for these modes of transportation can usually be purchased online or at their respective stations, and the prices of the tickets usually range from $10 to $20. \n\nIf driving your own car is not an option, taking the bus or train would be your best bet. Both options take you straight to Salem, and you can sit back and relax while enjoying the scenery along the way.
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Salem (United States/Oregon)?
How do I get from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Salem (United States/Oregon) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Albany (United States/Oregon) to Salem (United States/Oregon)?
Trips from Albany
AlbanySpartanburgAlbanyMaderaAlbanyCorvallisAlbanyWilmingtonAlbanyNashvilleAlbanySioux FallsAlbanyBendAlbanyMontereyAlbanyFlorenceTrips to Salem (United States/Oregon)
MariposaSalemDenverSalemSouth HillSalemElginSalemFrankfortSalemRidgewoodSalemLa GrandeSalemRochelleSalemCorvallisSalemInformation about Stations
All station in Albany (United States/Oregon)
Albany Albany Station All station in Salem (United States/Oregon)
Salem Amtrak Station Salem