How to get from Ashland to Bakersfield by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Ashland and Bakersfield is 2075 kilometers (1287 miles).
Driving distance from Ashland to Bakersfield is 2483 kilometers (1539 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Ashland (United States/Nebraska) to Bakersfield (United States/California)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto North 14th Street, NE 66 729 m
2. Turn right onto Highway 6, US 6, I 80 Alt 2.93 km
3. Turn left onto 238th Street, NE 63, I 80 Alt 4.50 km
4. Keep right 37.37 km
5. Keep left onto I 80 472.02 km
6. Keep right onto I 76 286.02 km
7. Keep left onto I 76 822.35 km
8. Keep left 391.84 km
9. Keep left 78.83 km
10. Continue onto Mojave Freeway, I 15 175.09 km
11. Keep right 201.93 km
12. Keep left onto Bakersfield Tehachapi Highway, CA 58 10.00 km
13. Keep right 298 m
14. Arrive at destination 0 m
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The best way to get from Ashland, Nebraska to Bakersfield, California

To get from Ashland, Nebraska to Bakersfield, California, you can take several modes of transportation. Here is my suggestion: \n\n1. Firstly, decide on what mode of transportation you want to take. You can choose to take a train, bus, car, or a plane, depending on your preference and budget. \n\n2. If you decide to drive, you should find the best route that can take you to Bakersfield through the fastest or most scenic way possible. Use a reliable navigation app, such as Google Maps, to help you find the best driving route. \n\n3. Buying a car for the trip might be a good option if you plan to visit different places on the way to Bakersfield. You can easily rent one from a car rental company. \n\n4. The driving time could take about 24 hours or more depending on the route you choose and how many stops you make. \n\n5. Before you embark on your journey, make sure the car is in good working condition, and you also have a clear understanding of the driving rules and regulations of the states you will be passing through. \n\nOverall, taking a car is a great way to get from Ashland, Nebraska to Bakersfield, California, as it gives you the freedom to explore and make stops along the way.

Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Ashland (United States/Nebraska) to Bakersfield (United States/California)?
How do I get from Ashland (United States/Nebraska) to Bakersfield (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Ashland (United States/Nebraska) to Bakersfield (United States/California)?