How to get from Buffalo to Abilene by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Buffalo and Abilene is 1497 kilometers (928 miles).
Driving distance from Buffalo to Abilene is 1930 kilometers (1197 miles)
Route Map
Routes from buffalo-south-dakota to abilene-texas
4 Ways from Buffalo (United States/South Dakota) to Abilene (United States/Texas)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto US 85 130.41 km
2. Keep right 47.26 km
3. Keep right 726 m
4. Turn sharp left onto Highway 585, WY 585 44.14 km
5. Turn right onto US 85 156.80 km
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The best way to get from Buffalo, South Dakota to Abilene, Texas
To get from Buffalo, South Dakota to Abilene, Texas using a bus, follow these directions. First, calculate the distance between these two cities to plan your trip effectively. The distance between Buffalo and Abilene is around 970 miles. Check the bus schedules and book your tickets in advance to save time and money.\n\nIf you are starting from Buffalo, head to the nearest bus station or terminal in the city. Ensure you reach the bus station a bit early to avoid the last minute rush. Once on the bus, you can sit back and relax or take in the beautiful scenery along the way. Expect to have a few stops and transfers along the journey, so it's essential to pay attention to the bus schedules.\n\nAfter a long bus ride, you will reach Abilene, Texas, where the bus station is likely located in the city center. If you need any additional assistance, request directions from locals or use navigation apps on your phone. With these tips, travelers can easily get directions from Buffalo, South Dakota, to Abilene, Texas, using a bus.
Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Buffalo (United States/South Dakota) to Abilene (United States/Texas)?
How do I get from Buffalo (United States/South Dakota) to Abilene (United States/Texas) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Buffalo (United States/South Dakota) to Abilene (United States/Texas)?
Trips from Buffalo
BuffaloMontereyBuffaloSan RafaelBuffaloPortsmouthBuffaloSyracuseBuffaloRacineBuffaloFlintBuffaloMansfieldBuffaloNorfolkBuffaloTroyTrips to Abilene (United States/Texas)
ButlerAbileneDurhamAbileneJunction CityAbileneSeattleAbileneSan AntonioAbileneDillonAbileneOdessaAbileneHollandAbileneChicagoAbileneOther interesting routes
New MexicoOklahomaSaskatchewanTexasCoahuila de ZaragozaCoahuila de ZaragozaInformation about Stations
All station in Buffalo (United States/South Dakota)
Municipal Buffalo All station in Abilene (United States/Texas)
Abilene and Northern Railway