How to get from Burbank to San Jose by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Burbank and San Jose is 2947 kilometers (1827 miles).
Driving distance from Burbank to San Jose is 3472 kilometers (2153 miles)
Route Map
Routes from burbank-illinois to san-jose-california
4 Ways from Burbank (United States/Illinois) to San Jose (United States/California)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto State Road 10 m
2. Keep right onto 83rd Street 61 m
3. Turn right onto Mason Avenue 811 m
4. Turn left onto 79th Street 5.92 km
5. Turn left onto South Archer Avenue, IL 171 275 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Burbank (United States/Illinois) to San Jose (United States/California)?
How do I get from Burbank (United States/Illinois) to San Jose (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Burbank (United States/Illinois) to San Jose (United States/California)?
Trips from Burbank
BurbankBaton RougeBurbankHuntington BeachBurbankLaguna BeachBurbankSan FranciscoBurbankFontanaBurbankSimi ValleyBurbankTorranceBurbankSan BernardinoBurbankMedfordTrips to San Jose (United States/California)
San CarlosSan JoseGeorgetownSan JoseAnchorageSan JoseMiamiSan JoseLake CitySan JoseCampbellSan JoseSimi ValleySan JoseVisaliaSan JoseLos GatosSan JoseInformation about Stations
All station in Burbank (United States/Illinois)
51st Burbank Station47th Burbank StationAshburn Burbank StationAshland/63rd Burbank StationWestern Burbank Station All station in San Jose (United States/California)
Capitol San Jose StationSanta Clara San JoseTamien San Jose StationSan Jose Diridon SanBlossom Hill San JoseSanta Teresa San JoseCottle San Jose StationSnell San Jose StationOhlone/Chynoweth San Jose Station