How to get from Bellingham to Kelowna by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Bellingham and Kelowna is 250 kilometers (155 miles).
Driving distance from Bellingham to Kelowna is 358 kilometers (222 miles)
Route Map
Routes from bellingham-washington to kelowna-british-columbia
4 Ways from Bellingham (United States/Washington) to Kelowna (Canada/British Columbia)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Lottie Street 52 m
2. Turn left onto North Commercial Street 102 m
3. Turn right onto Young Street 302 m
4. Turn left onto Cornwall Avenue 1.12 km
5. Turn right onto Sunset Drive 8.83 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Bellingham (United States/Washington) to Kelowna (Canada/British Columbia)?
How do I get from Bellingham (United States/Washington) to Kelowna (Canada/British Columbia) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Bellingham (United States/Washington) to Kelowna (Canada/British Columbia)?
Trips from Bellingham
BellinghamCumberlandBellinghamGreenvilleBellinghamSpringfieldBellinghamKearneyBellinghamSanta CruzBellinghamCalgaryBellinghamCharlestonBellinghamAberdeenBellinghamDenverTrips to Kelowna (Canada/British Columbia)
Fort St. JamesKelownaMerrittKelownaKitchenerKelownaGrande PrairieKelownaCold LakeKelownaLoon LakeKelownaNelsonKelownaMonctonKelownaLake LouiseKelownaInformation about Stations
All station in Bellingham (United States/Washington)
Bellingham Fairhaven Bellingham Station All station in Kelowna (Canada/British Columbia)
Kelowna International Airport Kelowna