How to get from Downers Grove to Terre Haute by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Downers Grove and Terre Haute is 264 kilometers (164 miles).
Driving distance from Downers Grove to Terre Haute is 370 kilometers (229 miles)
Route Map
Routes from downers-grove-illinois to terre-haute-indiana
4 Ways from Downers Grove (United States/Illinois) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Main Street 264 m
2. Turn right onto Maple Avenue 869 m
3. Turn right onto Maple Avenue 1.58 km
4. Turn left onto Belmont Road 1.38 km
5. Turn right onto 63rd Street 836 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Downers Grove (United States/Illinois) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)?
How do I get from Downers Grove (United States/Illinois) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Downers Grove (United States/Illinois) to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)?
Trips from Downers Grove
Downers GroveNapervilleDowners GroveLexingtonDowners GroveJolietDowners GroveEvanstonDowners GroveChicagoTrips to Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
TroyTerre HauteFrench LickTerre HauteNewburghTerre HauteGreenfieldTerre HauteBuffaloTerre HauteTracyTerre HauteSpringfieldTerre HauteGreenwoodTerre HauteMadisonTerre HauteInformation about Stations
All station in Downers Grove (United States/Illinois)
Belmont Downers Grove Station All station in Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
Kauffman Station Terre Haute