How to get from Flint to Raleigh by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Flint and Raleigh is 914 kilometers (567 miles).
Driving distance from Flint to Raleigh is 1164 kilometers (722 miles)
Route Map
Routes from flint-michigan to raleigh-north-carolina
4 Ways from Flint (United States/Michigan) to Raleigh (United States/North Carolina)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Brush Alley 114 m
2. Turn right onto East Second Street 65 m
3. Turn left onto South Saginaw Street 782 m
4. Turn right onto West Eighth Street 399 m
5. Continue 3.67 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Flint (United States/Michigan) to Raleigh (United States/North Carolina)?
How do I get from Flint (United States/Michigan) to Raleigh (United States/North Carolina) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Flint (United States/Michigan) to Raleigh (United States/North Carolina)?
Trips from Flint
FlintElginFlintEvansvilleFlintWilmingtonFlintRockfordFlintCorningFlintCedar RapidsFlintSalt Lake CityFlintVancouverFlintLincolnTrips to Raleigh (United States/North Carolina)
SummervilleRaleighClarksvilleRaleighSalisburyRaleighGarfieldRaleighNags HeadRaleighColumbiaRaleighBensonRaleighHaywardRaleighVictoriaRaleighInformation about Stations
All station in Flint (United States/Michigan)
Flint Flint Station All station in Raleigh (United States/North Carolina)
Raleigh Raleigh Station