How to get from Hayward to Portland by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Hayward and Portland is 2404 kilometers (1490 miles).
Driving distance from Hayward to Portland is 2917 kilometers (1809 miles)
Route Map
Routes from hayward-wisconsin to portland-oregon
4 Ways from Hayward (United States/Wisconsin) to Portland (United States/Oregon)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto US 63 15.85 km
2. Turn right onto County Highway F, CTH F 13.85 km
3. Turn right onto US 53, CTH F 327 m
4. Turn left onto County Highway F, CTH F 5.18 km
5. Turn right onto County Highway K, CTH F, CTH K 7.97 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Hayward (United States/Wisconsin) to Portland (United States/Oregon)?
How do I get from Hayward (United States/Wisconsin) to Portland (United States/Oregon) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Hayward (United States/Wisconsin) to Portland (United States/Oregon)?
Trips from Hayward
HaywardSan RafaelHaywardSan JoseHaywardEau ClaireHaywardLawrenceHaywardSalt Lake CityHaywardChattanoogaHaywardAlbanyHaywardHoustonHaywardCharlestonTrips to Portland (United States/Oregon)
TularePortlandTyronePortlandCharlottePortlandRapid CityPortlandBelfastPortlandWeatherfordPortlandPerryPortlandWoodstockPortlandSan DiegoPortlandOther interesting routes
British ColumbiaMinnesotaWashingtonIowaMinnesotaNorth DakotaOregonWashingtonWisconsinInformation about Stations
All station in Hayward (United States/Wisconsin)
Hayward Executive Airport Hayward All station in Portland (United States/Oregon)
Portland Union Station PortlandYamhill District Portland StationInterstate/Rose Quarter Portland StationPSU Urban Center/Southwest 5thLloyd Center/Northeast 11th AvenueOak Street/Southwest 1st AvenueEast 102nd Avenue PortlandPortland International Airport PortlandGoose Hollow/Southwest Jefferson Street