How to get from Jonesboro to Lansing by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Jonesboro and Lansing is 529 kilometers (328 miles).
Driving distance from Jonesboro to Lansing is 658 kilometers (408 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Jonesboro (United States/Arkansas) to Lansing (United States/Kansas)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue 91 m
2. Turn right onto Cate Avenue 82 m
3. Turn right onto South Main Street 357 m
4. Turn left onto West Johnson Avenue, AR 91 6.59 km
5. Keep right 812 m
6. Continue onto US 63 90.66 km
7. Keep right 196 m
8. Continue onto US 62, US 63, US 412, AR 175 2.24 km
9. Keep right 190 m
10. Turn slight right onto US 63 121.09 km
11. Keep left onto US 60 109.53 km
12. Keep right 13.46 km
13. Keep right 7.85 km
14. Keep right 181 m
15. Keep left 46 m
16. Keep right 198.26 km
17. Keep right onto MO 7 41.04 km
18. Keep right 634 m
19. Keep left 40.82 km
20. Keep right 6.15 km
21. Keep right 621 m
22. Keep right 17.28 km
23. Make a U-turn onto South Main Street, US 73, KS 7 92 m
24. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Jonesboro (United States/Arkansas) to Lansing (United States/Kansas)?
How do I get from Jonesboro (United States/Arkansas) to Lansing (United States/Kansas) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Jonesboro (United States/Arkansas) to Lansing (United States/Kansas)?