How to get from Long Beach to Phoenix by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Long Beach and Phoenix is 568 kilometers (352 miles).
Driving distance from Long Beach to Phoenix is 604 kilometers (374 miles)
Route Map
Routes from long-beach-california to phoenix-arizona
4 Ways from Long Beach (United States/California) to Phoenix (United States/Arizona)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 31 m
2. Turn right onto East Broadway 897 m
3. Turn left onto Alamitos Avenue 709 m
4. Turn right onto East 7th Street 5.31 km
5. Keep left onto East 7th Street, CA 22 2.67 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Long Beach (United States/California) to Phoenix (United States/Arizona)?
How do I get from Long Beach (United States/California) to Phoenix (United States/Arizona) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Long Beach (United States/California) to Phoenix (United States/Arizona)?
Trips from Long Beach
Long BeachInglewoodLong BeachMedfordLong BeachHattiesburgLong BeachDavenportLong BeachSalinaLong BeachOshkoshLong BeachConcordLong BeachCoronaLong BeachDickinsonTrips to Phoenix (United States/Arizona)
NorfolkPhoenixNew HavenPhoenixDelhiPhoenixViennaPhoenixGastoniaPhoenixMeadvillePhoenixRichmondPhoenixKillingtonPhoenixSalisburyPhoenixInformation about Stations
All station in Long Beach (United States/California)
1st Street Long BeachDowntown Long Beach Long5th Street Long BeachPacific Avenue Long BeachPacific Coast Highway LongAnaheim Street Long BeachWillow Street Long Beach All station in Phoenix (United States/Arizona)
24th St/ Jefferson Phoenix24th St/ Washington Phoenix38th St/ Washington Phoenix44th St/ Washington PhoenixRoosevelt/Central Phoenix StationVan Buren/ Central AveVan Buren/ 1st AveJefferson/ 1st Ave PhoenixWashington/ Central Ave Phoenix