How to get from Milwaukee to Fond du Lac by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Milwaukee and Fond du Lac is 92 kilometers (57 miles).
Driving distance from Milwaukee to Fond du Lac is 101 kilometers (63 miles)
Route Map
Routes from milwaukee-wisconsin to fond-du-lac-wisconsin
4 Ways from Milwaukee (United States/Wisconsin) to Fond du Lac (United States/Wisconsin)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 92 m
2. Keep left 105 m
3. Keep left 36 m
4. Turn left 1.50 km
5. Keep right 483 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Milwaukee (United States/Wisconsin) to Fond du Lac (United States/Wisconsin)?
How do I get from Milwaukee (United States/Wisconsin) to Fond du Lac (United States/Wisconsin) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Milwaukee (United States/Wisconsin) to Fond du Lac (United States/Wisconsin)?
Trips from Milwaukee
MilwaukeeMyrtle BeachMilwaukeeMinneapolisMilwaukeePalm SpringsMilwaukeeGrand RapidsMilwaukeeTorontoMilwaukeeToledoMilwaukeeDuluthMilwaukeeOklahoma CityMilwaukeeFairbanksTrips to Fond du Lac (United States/Wisconsin)
BensonFond du LacBuffaloFond du LacHamptonFond du LacOshkoshFond du LacMobileFond du LacDenverFond du LacEugeneFond du LacWilsonFond du LacWaukeshaFond du LacInformation about Stations
All station in Milwaukee (United States/Wisconsin)
General Mitchell International Airport All station in Fond du Lac (United States/Wisconsin)
Wisconsin Central yard office