How to get from Rockford to Greensboro by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Rockford and Greensboro is 1056 kilometers (655 miles).
Driving distance from Rockford to Greensboro is 1304 kilometers (808 miles)
Route Map
Routes from rockford-illinois to greensboro-north-carolina
4 Ways from Rockford (United States/Illinois) to Greensboro (United States/North Carolina)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 35 m
2. Turn right onto North Wyman Street 62 m
3. Turn left onto West State Street 1.22 km
4. Turn right onto Charles Street 4.14 km
5. Turn right onto Parkside Drive 186 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Rockford (United States/Illinois) to Greensboro (United States/North Carolina)?
How do I get from Rockford (United States/Illinois) to Greensboro (United States/North Carolina) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Rockford (United States/Illinois) to Greensboro (United States/North Carolina)?
Trips from Rockford
RockfordGilletteRockfordWilmingtonRockfordNew OrleansRockfordMyrtle BeachRockfordLaramieRockfordBurlingtonRockfordHuronRockfordGreenfieldRockfordAthensTrips to Greensboro (United States/North Carolina)
ClareGreensboroKatyGreensboroAustinGreensboroGreenvilleGreensboroMonumentGreensboroComfortGreensboroNew HavenGreensboroElizabeth CityGreensboroDuluthGreensboroOther interesting routes
District of ColumbiaIllinoisIndianaIowaMichiganNorth CarolinaSouth CarolinaVirginiaWisconsinInformation about Stations
All station in Rockford (United States/Illinois)
CN Rockford Depot Rockford All station in Greensboro (United States/North Carolina)
Greensboro Greensboro Station