How to get from Salt Lake City to San Jose by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Salt Lake City and San Jose is 943 kilometers (585 miles).
Driving distance from Salt Lake City to San Jose is 1231 kilometers (763 miles)
Route Map
Routes from salt-lake-city-utah to san-jose-california
4 Ways from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to San Jose (United States/California)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 97 m
2. Turn right onto 200 East 114 m
3. Turn right onto 500 South 1.94 km
4. Keep right 265.27 km
5. Continue onto I 80, US 93 ALT 763.13 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to San Jose (United States/California)?
How do I get from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to San Jose (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Salt Lake City (United States/Utah) to San Jose (United States/California)?
Trips from Salt Lake City
Salt Lake CityChihuahuaSalt Lake CityScottsdaleSalt Lake CityMemphisSalt Lake CityGalvestonSalt Lake CityButteSalt Lake CityNormanSalt Lake CityProvoSalt Lake CityBooneSalt Lake CityBendTrips to San Jose (United States/California)
Playa AzulSan JoseCottonwoodSan JoseWheelingSan JoseNew HavenSan JoseSanta RosaSan JoseSunnyvaleSan JoseDeweySan JoseSanta BarbaraSan JoseTiftonSan JoseInformation about Stations
All station in Salt Lake City (United States/Utah)
Courthouse Salt Lake City900 South Salt LakeUniversity Medical Center SaltGallivan Plaza Salt LakeSalt Lake Central SaltArena Salt Lake CityCity Center Salt LakeLibrary Salt Lake CityOld GreekTown Salt Lake All station in San Jose (United States/California)
Capitol San Jose StationSanta Clara San JoseTamien San Jose StationSan Jose Diridon SanBlossom Hill San JoseSanta Teresa San JoseCottle San Jose StationSnell San Jose StationOhlone/Chynoweth San Jose Station