How to get from San Luis Obispo to Ventura by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between San Luis Obispo and Ventura is 167 kilometers (104 miles).
Driving distance from San Luis Obispo to Ventura is 194 kilometers (120 miles)
Route Map
Routes from san-luis-obispo-california to ventura-california
4 Ways from San Luis Obispo (United States/California) to Ventura (United States/California)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Monterey Street 37 m
2. Turn left onto Santa Rosa Street 89 m
3. Turn right onto Higuera Street 1.23 km
4. Turn right onto Marsh Street 297 m
5. Keep left 89.43 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from San Luis Obispo (United States/California) to Ventura (United States/California)?
How do I get from San Luis Obispo (United States/California) to Ventura (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from San Luis Obispo (United States/California) to Ventura (United States/California)?
Trips from San Luis Obispo
San Luis ObispoNapaSan Luis ObispoFresnoSan Luis ObispoSanta MonicaSan Luis ObispoSanta AnaSan Luis ObispoBakersfieldSan Luis ObispoFresnoSan Luis ObispoSanta CruzSan Luis ObispoPalm SpringsSan Luis ObispoLos AngelesTrips to Ventura (United States/California)
San JoseVenturaSimi ValleyVenturaReddingVenturaCaliforniaVenturaPhoenixVenturaBurbankVenturaGoletaVenturaFresnoVenturaMojave DesertVenturaInformation about Stations
All station in San Luis Obispo (United States/California)
San Luis Obispo San All station in Ventura (United States/California)
Ventura Ventura StationEast Ventura Ventura Station