How to get from San Martin to San Francisco by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between San Martin and San Francisco is 105 kilometers (65 miles).
Driving distance from San Martin to San Francisco is 117 kilometers (73 miles)

San MartinSan Francisco
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Route Map

Routes from san-martin-california to san-francisco-california

4 Ways from San Martin (United States/California) to San Francisco (United States/California)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto East San Martin Avenue 1.23 km
2. Turn left 22.38 km
3. Continue onto US 101 91.39 km
4. Keep left onto US 101 572 m
5. Keep right 319 m
6. Keep left onto 9th Street 977 m
7. Keep left onto Hayes Street 292 m
8. Turn right onto Van Ness Avenue, US 101 192 m
9. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from San Martin (United States/California) to San Francisco (United States/California)?
How do I get from San Martin (United States/California) to San Francisco (United States/California) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from San Martin (United States/California) to San Francisco (United States/California)?

Information about Stations

All station in San Martin (United States/California)
San Martin San Martin
All station in San Francisco (United States/California)
San Francisco International Airport