How to get from San Rafael to Charlotte by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between San Rafael and Charlotte is 3703 kilometers (2296 miles).
Driving distance from San Rafael to Charlotte is 4382 kilometers (2717 miles)
Route Map
Routes from san-rafael-california to charlotte-north-carolina
4 Ways from San Rafael (United States/California) to Charlotte (United States/North Carolina)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Fourth Street 811 m
2. Turn right onto Hetherton Street 1.09 km
3. Keep right onto John T. Knox Freeway, I 580 27.91 km
4. Keep left onto Interstate Highway 80 475 m
5. Keep left onto MacArthur Freeway 73.53 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from San Rafael (United States/California) to Charlotte (United States/North Carolina)?
How do I get from San Rafael (United States/California) to Charlotte (United States/North Carolina) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from San Rafael (United States/California) to Charlotte (United States/North Carolina)?
Trips from San Rafael
San RafaelOaklandSan RafaelFairfieldSan RafaelHendersonSan RafaelManhattanSan RafaelTrinidadSan RafaelDenverSan RafaelCantonSan RafaelMitchellSan RafaelFlorenceTrips to Charlotte (United States/North Carolina)
TuscaloosaCharlotteSelmaCharlotteAllentownCharlotteFrederickCharlotteCasa GrandeCharlotteCooperstownCharlotteWatertownCharlotteDumasCharlotteDaytonCharlotteOther interesting routes
CaliforniaGeorgiaNevadaNorth CarolinaSouth CarolinaVirginiaGeorgiaSouth CarolinaInformation about Stations
All station in San Rafael (United States/California)
Marin Civic Center SanNovato Hamilton San RafaelSan Rafael Downtown SanLarkspur San Rafael Station All station in Charlotte (United States/North Carolina)
CTC/Arena Charlotte StationEast/West Boulevard Charlotte Station3rd Street/Convention Center CharlotteStonewall Charlotte StationCarson Charlotte StationBland Street Charlotte StationNew Bern Charlotte StationArrowood Charlotte StationArchdale Charlotte Station