How to get from South Bend to Minneapolis by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between South Bend and Minneapolis is 2360 kilometers (1463 miles).
Driving distance from South Bend to Minneapolis is 2839 kilometers (1760 miles)
Route Map
Routes from south-bend-washington to minneapolis-minnesota
4 Ways from South Bend (United States/Washington) to Minneapolis (United States/Minnesota)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Alder Street 29 m
2. Turn right onto Robert Bush Drive, US 101 7.14 km
3. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Ocean Avenue, US 101 29.25 km
4. Keep right 54 m
5. Turn slight right onto State Route 107, WA 107 12.62 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from South Bend (United States/Washington) to Minneapolis (United States/Minnesota)?
How do I get from South Bend (United States/Washington) to Minneapolis (United States/Minnesota) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from South Bend (United States/Washington) to Minneapolis (United States/Minnesota)?
Trips from South Bend
South BendWestonSouth BendWilkes-BarreSouth BendBaltimoreSouth BendRaleighSouth BendSan JoseSouth BendPittsburghSouth BendPascoSouth BendCodySouth BendRensselaerTrips to Minneapolis (United States/Minnesota)
Prior LakeMinneapolisToledoMinneapolisLouisvilleMinneapolisWhite Bear LakeMinneapolisGrand RapidsMinneapolisWalkerMinneapolisBrandonMinneapolisSaint PaulMinneapolisPittsburghMinneapolisOther interesting routes
British ColumbiaMinnesotaWashingtonIowaMinnesotaOregonSouth DakotaWashingtonWisconsinInformation about Stations
All station in South Bend (United States/Washington)
South Bend Regional South All station in Minneapolis (United States/Minnesota)
Flying Cloud Airport Minneapolis Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport