How to get from Terre Haute to Fargo by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Terre Haute and Fargo is 1120 kilometers (694 miles).
Driving distance from Terre Haute to Fargo is 1340 kilometers (831 miles)
Route Map
Routes from terre-haute-indiana to fargo-north-dakota
4 Ways from Terre Haute (United States/Indiana) to Fargo (United States/North Dakota)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto North 3rd Street, US 41, US 150 2.87 km
2. Keep left onto SR 63 73.16 km
3. Turn left 156.64 km
4. Keep right onto US 51 230.69 km
5. Keep right onto I 39, I 90 225.09 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Terre Haute (United States/Indiana) to Fargo (United States/North Dakota)?
How do I get from Terre Haute (United States/Indiana) to Fargo (United States/North Dakota) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Terre Haute (United States/Indiana) to Fargo (United States/North Dakota)?
Trips from Terre Haute
Terre HauteAlbanyTerre HautePortlandTerre HauteWinston-SalemTerre HauteAmsterdamTerre HauteCantonTerre HauteHoustonTerre HauteCharlotteTerre HauteBurlingtonTerre HauteChicagoTrips to Fargo (United States/North Dakota)
LancasterFargoNewtonFargoWilkesboroFargoMenomonieFargoAikenFargoTopekaFargoCasperFargoMurfreesboroFargoPierreFargoOther interesting routes
North DakotaArkansasIllinoisIndianaIowaKentuckyNorth DakotaTennesseeWisconsinInformation about Stations
All station in Terre Haute (United States/Indiana)
Kauffman Station Terre Haute All station in Fargo (United States/North Dakota)
Fargo Fargo StationMain Avenue Depot Building