How to get from Wheeling to Durham by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Wheeling and Durham is 1035 kilometers (642 miles).
Driving distance from Wheeling to Durham is 1296 kilometers (804 miles)
Route Map
Routes from wheeling-illinois to durham-north-carolina
4 Ways from Wheeling (United States/Illinois) to Durham (United States/North Carolina)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto South Wheeling Road 42 m
2. Turn sharp right onto West Dundee Road, IL 68 131 m
3. Turn slight right onto West Dundee Road, IL 68 86 m
4. Turn right onto West Dundee Road, IL 68 1.71 km
5. Turn sharp right onto Milwaukee Avenue, US 45, IL 21 3.86 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Wheeling (United States/Illinois) to Durham (United States/North Carolina)?
How do I get from Wheeling (United States/Illinois) to Durham (United States/North Carolina) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Wheeling (United States/Illinois) to Durham (United States/North Carolina)?
Trips from Wheeling
WheelingVirginia BeachWheelingIndianapolisWheelingBooneWheelingOntarioWheelingMorgantownWheelingCharlotteWheelingSaint PaulWheelingSalemWheelingDenverTrips to Durham (United States/North Carolina)
WilkesboroDurhamHumphreyDurhamButteDurhamCodyDurhamDanvilleDurhamNewarkDurhamEdgewoodDurhamScrantonDurhamDaytonDurhamInformation about Stations
All station in Wheeling (United States/Illinois)
Wheeling Wheeling StationBuffalo Grove Wheeling Station All station in Durham (United States/North Carolina)
Durham Durham Station