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Tanzania, officially the United Republic of Tanzania, stands as a country situated in East Africa, nestled within the captivating African Great Lakes area. Its boundaries connect with Uganda in the north, Kenya in the northeast, while being caressed by the Indian Ocean to the east. To the south lie the neighboring countries of Mozambique and Malawi, while Zambia - to the southwest. Towards the western frontier, Tanzania shares its boundaries with Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mkomazi National Park

Mkomazi is a national park in Tanzania, located in the north-east of the country. Mkomazi is one of the youngest parks in the country, it received the status in 2008, and before that it remained a game reserve for a long time, since 1951.

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City of Zanzibar

Zanzibar is a "sanctuary island". Zanzibar's old stone city is one of the most impressive places on the coast. It is a chaotic cluster of labyrinthine streets, with marvellously carved, but sadly rapidly deteriorating, brass upholste... read more


Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the top tourist destinations in Africa. Thousands of people every year plan to climb to its summit to experience inexpressible sensations, to see mesmerising landscapes, to test their strength. Climb the volca... read more

Mahaley Mountains National Park

The Mahale Mountains is a national park in Tanzania, located in the west of the country.

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