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Ukraine is a country, situated in Eastern Europe. Ukraine shares its eastern and northeastern borders with Russia. To the north, it is connected to Belarus, while the western boundaries touch Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. Towards the southwest, Ukraine shares borders with Romania and Moldova, and to the south and southeast, it boasts a coastline along the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

St Vladimir's Cathedral in Kiev

The Vladimir Cathedral was built in honour of Grand Prince Vladimir, who introduced Christianity in Russia in 998. The idea of building the cathedral belongs to Metropolitan Philaret Amfitheatrov. In 1852, after the official approval of the projec... read more

St Sophia Cathedral in Kiev

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise is known for the blossoming of the Old Russian state, the development of culture and education. Under him, cities grew rich, temples were built, and Kiev was compared to Constantinople. He remained in histo... read more

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is one of the first monasteries in Russia by time of foundation. It was founded in 1051 under Yaroslav the Wise by the monk Anthony, a native of Lyubech. The co-founder of the Pechersk monastery was one of the first pupils of A... read more

St Andrew's Church

St. Andrew's Church is located on the steep right bank of the Dnieper, above the historical part of the city - Podol historical part of the city - Podol. It can be seen from afar and is, thanks to its colourful and ornate appearance is one of... read more

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