How to get from San Justo to Rafael Castillo by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between San Justo and Rafael Castillo is 7 kilometers (4 miles).
Driving distance from San Justo to Rafael Castillo is 8 kilometers (5 miles)

San JustoRafael Castillo
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Route Map

Routes from san-justo-buenos-aires to rafael-castillo-buenos-aires

4 Ways from San Justo (Argentina/Buenos Aires) to Rafael Castillo (Argentina/Buenos Aires)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Almafuerte 70 m
2. Turn right onto Presidente Hipólito Yrigoyen 206 m
3. Turn right onto Monseñor José Francisco Marcón 417 m
4. Turn left onto Avenida Presidente Doctor Arturo Umberto Illia 883 m
5. Keep right onto Avenida Presidente Doctor Arturo Umberto Illia 1.16 km
6. Turn left onto Venezuela 4.11 km
7. Turn right onto Avenida Carlos Casares, RP17 810 m
8. Keep left onto Santa Cruz 233 m
9. Turn right onto Comandante Granville 9 m
10. Turn left onto Santa Cruz 506 m
11. Turn left onto Francisco Beazley 93 m
12. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from San Justo (Argentina/Buenos Aires) to Rafael Castillo (Argentina/Buenos Aires)?
How do I get from San Justo (Argentina/Buenos Aires) to Rafael Castillo (Argentina/Buenos Aires) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from San Justo (Argentina/Buenos Aires) to Rafael Castillo (Argentina/Buenos Aires)?

Trips to Rafael Castillo (Argentina/Buenos Aires)

CaballitoRafael CastilloSan JustoRafael CastilloLas ToninasRafael Castillo