How to get from Vienna to Uzice by car, truck, walk, bike

Distance between Vienna and Uzice is 553 kilometers (343 miles).
Driving distance from Vienna to Uzice is 758 kilometers (470 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Vienna (Austria/Wien) to Uzice (Serbia/Uzice)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Singerstraße 70 m
2. Turn right onto Liliengasse 70 m
3. Turn left onto Weihburggasse 469 m
4. Turn right onto Parkring 152 m
5. Turn left onto Johannesgasse 186 m
6. Continue onto Johannesgasse, B1 131 m
7. Turn left onto Am Heumarkt, B1 323 m
8. Keep right 78 m
9. Turn slight right onto Große Ungarbrücke 61 m
10. Turn slight right onto Ungargasse 7 m
11. Turn left onto Invalidenstraße 169 m
12. Turn right onto Landstraßer Hauptstraße 639 m
13. Turn left onto Kundmanngasse 140 m
14. Turn right onto Erdbergstraße 1.44 km
15. Turn left onto Schlachthausgasse, B221 192 m
16. Turn right onto Erdberger Lände 89 m
17. Continue onto Erdberger Lände 65.71 km
18. Keep right 156.03 km
19. Keep right 260 m
20. Keep right 1.06 km
21. Keep left 29.62 km
22. Keep right 431 m
23. Keep right 152.06 km
24. Keep right 327 m
25. Keep left 191.91 km
26. Keep right 56.75 km
27. Keep right 1.81 km
28. Continue 19.95 km
29. Turn left onto Др Гордане Бабић, 21 1.21 km
30. At roundabout, take exit 2 44.46 km
31. Keep right 28 m
32. Turn slight right onto 174 253 m
33. Turn left onto Вука Караџића, 174 369 m
34. Turn left onto Светосавска, 174 9.40 km
35. Turn right 521 m
36. Turn left 57 m
37. Turn right 324 m
38. Turn right onto 174 2.72 km
39. Turn left onto 174 7.30 km
40. Turn right onto 174 10.71 km
41. Keep right onto Немањина 30 m
42. Turn slight right onto Војводе Демира, 174 408 m
43. Turn left onto Петра Ћеловића 131 m
44. Turn right onto Димитрија Туцовића 76 m
45. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Vienna (Austria/Wien) to Uzice (Serbia/Uzice)?
How do I get from Vienna (Austria/Wien) to Uzice (Serbia/Uzice) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Vienna (Austria/Wien) to Uzice (Serbia/Uzice)?

Trips to Uzice (Serbia/Uzice)
