How to get from Zeebrugge to Ghent by rideshare, car, walk, bike, truck

Distance between Zeebrugge and Ghent is 47 kilometers (29 miles).
Driving distance from Zeebrugge to Ghent is 67 kilometers (42 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from zeebrugge-vlaanderen to ghent-vlaanderen

5 Ways from Zeebrugge (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Ghent (Belgium/Vlaanderen)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Heiststraat 377 m
2. Turn left onto Kustlaan, N34a 345 m
3. Turn right onto Kustlaan, N34 802 m
4. Continue onto Kustlaan, N34 183 m
5. Turn left onto Baron De Maerelaan 19.33 km
6. Keep right onto E40 46 m
7. Keep left onto E403 485 m
8. Keep right onto E40 39.61 km
9. Keep right onto E17 351 m
10. Continue onto E17 1.82 km
11. Keep left onto B401 2.52 km
12. Keep right 358 m
13. Continue onto Graaf van Vlaanderenplein 207 m
14. Turn left onto Graaf van Vlaanderenplein 19 m
15. Turn right onto Vlaanderenstraat 192 m
16. Turn sharp right onto Brabantdam 101 m
17. Turn left onto Abeelstraat 162 m
18. Turn left onto Keizer Karelstraat 526 m
19. Turn left onto Kwaadham 179 m
20. Turn sharp right onto Nederpolder 184 m
21. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Zeebrugge (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Ghent (Belgium/Vlaanderen)?
How do I get from Zeebrugge (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Ghent (Belgium/Vlaanderen) the fastest?
How do I travel from Zeebrugge (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Ghent (Belgium/Vlaanderen) without a car?
How far is it from Zeebrugge (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Ghent (Belgium/Vlaanderen)?
How long does it take to get from Zeebrugge (Belgium/Vlaanderen) to Ghent (Belgium/Vlaanderen)?