How to get from Carangola to Itabuna by rideshare, car, walk, bike, truck

Distance between Carangola and Itabuna is 722 kilometers (448 miles).
Driving distance from Carangola to Itabuna is 1021 kilometers (633 miles)

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Route Map

Routes from carangola-minas-gerais to itabuna-bahia

5 Ways from Carangola (Brazil/Minas Gerais) to Itabuna (Brazil/Bahia)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Rua Marechal Floriano Peixoto 46 m
2. Turn left onto Rua Santa Luzia 21 m
3. Turn right 79 m
4. Turn right onto Rua Pedro de Oliveira, MG-111 2.97 km
5. Keep left onto BR-482, MG-111 84 m
6. Keep right onto BR-482 5.68 km
7. Turn right onto MG-265 16.17 km
8. Turn right onto Rua Presidente Vargas, MG-265 9.94 km
9. Keep right 45 m
10. Turn slight right onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 46.54 km
11. Keep left onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-262, BR-116 26 m
12. Keep right onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 59.84 km
13. Keep right onto Avenida João Caetano do Nascimento 44 m
14. At roundabout, take exit 1 onto Avenida João Caetano do Nascimento 275 m
15. Turn slight right onto Avenida João Caetano do Nascimento, BR-116 156.22 km
16. Keep right 84.55 km
17. Keep right 106 m
18. Turn sharp left 11.67 km
19. Continue onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 32 m
20. Keep right 238 m
21. Turn slight right onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 212 m
22. Keep right 1.90 km
23. Continue onto Avenida Alfredo Sá, BR-116, BR-342 31.86 km
24. Keep right 178 m
25. Turn slight right onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116, BR-342 105.45 km
26. Keep right 237 m
27. Turn sharp left onto LMG-646, LMG-646 45 m
28. Continue onto LMG-646, LMG-646 21.77 km
29. Keep right 67 m
30. At roundabout, take exit 3 166 m
31. Turn slight right onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 2.77 km
32. Keep right 56 m
33. At roundabout, take exit 2 144 m
34. Turn slight right onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 40.53 km
35. Turn left onto Avenida Luís Tanure 37 m
36. Turn right onto Avenida Rio Bahia 1.06 km
37. Turn slight left onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 47.72 km
38. Turn right onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116 185.88 km
39. Continue onto Rodovia Santos Dumont, BR-116, BA-262 14.53 km
40. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Avenida Vitória da Conquista 2.15 km
41. Turn left onto Rua Raimundo Pereira Magalhães 283 m
42. Keep right onto Avenida Timoteo Goncalves da Costa 89.71 km
43. Turn sharp left 129 m
44. Turn left onto BA-262 79.81 km
45. Turn right onto Avenida Itajupe 103 m
46. Keep left onto Avenida Itajupe 434 m
47. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Carangola (Brazil/Minas Gerais) to Itabuna (Brazil/Bahia)?
How do I get from Carangola (Brazil/Minas Gerais) to Itabuna (Brazil/Bahia) the fastest?
How do I travel from Carangola (Brazil/Minas Gerais) to Itabuna (Brazil/Bahia) without a car?
How far is it from Carangola (Brazil/Minas Gerais) to Itabuna (Brazil/Bahia)?
How long does it take to get from Carangola (Brazil/Minas Gerais) to Itabuna (Brazil/Bahia)?