How to get from Tamale to Kumasi by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Tamale and Kumasi is 313 kilometers (194 miles).
Driving distance from Tamale to Kumasi is 376 kilometers (233 miles)
Route Map
Routes from tamale-northern to kumasi-ashanti
4 Ways from Tamale (Ghana/Northern) to Kumasi (Ghana/Ashanti)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 74 m
2. Turn left onto Telecom Road, N10 123 m
3. Turn left onto Telecom Road, N10 329 m
4. Turn right onto Pagsara Road 471 m
5. Turn right onto Dakpema Road, N10 738 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Tamale (Ghana/Northern) to Kumasi (Ghana/Ashanti)?
How do I get from Tamale (Ghana/Northern) to Kumasi (Ghana/Ashanti) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Tamale (Ghana/Northern) to Kumasi (Ghana/Ashanti)?
Trips from Tamale
TamaleCape CoastTrips to Kumasi (Ghana/Ashanti)
AccraKumasiCity of WestminsterKumasiTamaleKumasiHoKumasiBeyinKumasiCape CoastKumasiLondonKumasiBobo-DioulassoKumasiInformation about Stations
All station in Tamale (Ghana/Northern)
Tamale Airport Tamale All station in Kumasi (Ghana/Ashanti)
Kumasi Airport Kumasi