How to get from Polvilho to Guarulhos by car, truck, bike, walk

Distance between Polvilho and Guarulhos is 33 kilometers (20 miles).
Driving distance from Polvilho to Guarulhos is 49 kilometers (30 miles)

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Route Map

4 Ways from Polvilho (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Guarulhos (Brazil/Sao Paulo)

Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey

Route instructions

1. Continue onto Avenida Tenente Marques 2.51 km
2. Keep right 2.26 km
3. Keep left onto Rodovia Anhanguera, SP-330, BR-050 14.28 km
4. Keep left onto Rodovia Anhanguera 1.55 km
5. Keep left 14.03 km
6. Keep left onto Rodovia Presidente Dutra, SP-060, BR-116 694 m
7. Keep right 7.66 km
8. Keep right 504 m
9. Keep right onto Rua Paulo Steola 651 m
10. Keep right onto Rua Doutor Washington Luiz 186 m
11. Turn left onto Rua José Bernardo Medeiros 271 m
12. Make a U-turn onto Avenida Antônio de Souza 70 m
13. Keep right onto Avenida Antônio de Souza 52 m
14. Keep right onto Rua Barão de Mauá 322 m
15. Keep left onto Rua Benedito Faustino de Morais 252 m
16. Turn left onto Rua João Gonçalves 128 m
17. Turn right onto Rua Diogo de Farias 367 m
18. Turn left onto Praça Professora Flora Ferro 712 m
19. Turn left onto Avenida Papa Pio XII 378 m
20. Keep right 839 m
21. Turn left onto Avenida Bom Clima 587 m
22. Keep right onto Avenida Bom Clima 48 m
23. Turn slight right onto Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima 780 m
24. Turn left onto Rua Albina José Testai 282 m
25. Turn left onto Rua João Artone 115 m
26. Keep right 53 m
27. Turn right 12 m
28. Arrive at destination 0 m
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Questions and Answers

What is the cheapest way to get from Polvilho (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Guarulhos (Brazil/Sao Paulo)?
How do I get from Polvilho (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Guarulhos (Brazil/Sao Paulo) the fastest?
How do I travel from Polvilho (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Guarulhos (Brazil/Sao Paulo) without a car?
How far is it from Polvilho (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Guarulhos (Brazil/Sao Paulo)?
How long does it take to get from Polvilho (Brazil/Sao Paulo) to Guarulhos (Brazil/Sao Paulo)?

Trips from Polvilho
