How to get from High Prairie to Saskatoon by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between High Prairie and Saskatoon is 741 kilometers (459 miles).
Driving distance from High Prairie to Saskatoon is 868 kilometers (538 miles)
Route Map
Routes from high-prairie-alberta to saskatoon-saskatchewan
4 Ways from High Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto 53 Avenue, 2 174.68 km
2. Turn left onto Northern Woods & Water Route, 2 58.22 km
3. Turn left onto Northern Woods & Water Route, 2 45.46 km
4. Turn right onto 63 15.43 km
5. Turn left onto Lakeview Road, 831 55.12 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from High Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)?
How do I get from High Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from High Prairie (Canada/Alberta) to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)?
Trips from High Prairie
High PrairieRed DeerHigh PrairieCold LakeHigh PrairieGrande PrairieHigh PrairieLeducHigh PrairieFort McMurrayHigh PrairieCalgaryHigh PrairieEdmontonHigh PrairieDawson CreekTrips to Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)
OntarioSaskatoonValemountSaskatoonManitobaSaskatoonVermilionSaskatoonVictoriaSaskatoonWarmanSaskatoonCanmoreSaskatoonMelfortSaskatoonAmherstSaskatoonInformation about Stations
All station in High Prairie (Canada/Alberta)
High Prairie Airport High All station in Saskatoon (Canada/Saskatchewan)
Saskatoon International Airport Saskatoon