How to get from Red Deer to Yellowknife by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between Red Deer and Yellowknife is 1133 kilometers (702 miles).
Driving distance from Red Deer to Yellowknife is 1616 kilometers (1002 miles)
Route Map
Routes from red-deer-alberta to yellowknife-northwest-territories
4 Ways from Red Deer (Canada/Alberta) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Ross (50) Street 472 m
2. Turn right onto Taylor Drive 2.73 km
3. Turn left onto 67 Street, 11 827 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto 67 Street, 11 298 m
5. Keep right 2.92 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Red Deer (Canada/Alberta) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)?
How do I get from Red Deer (Canada/Alberta) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Red Deer (Canada/Alberta) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)?
Trips from Red Deer
Red DeerLas VegasRed DeerBrooksRed DeerNorth BattlefordRed DeerAirdrieRed DeerCabo San LucasRed DeerCranbrookRed DeerSwift CurrentRed DeerVernonRed DeerFort SaskatchewanTrips to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)
TorontoYellowknifeHalifaxYellowknifeGaire LakeYellowknifeFort SmithYellowknifeNew YorkYellowknifeChicagoYellowknifeEdmontonYellowknifeReginaYellowknifePeace RiverYellowknifeInformation about Stations
All station in Red Deer (Canada/Alberta)
Red Deer Regional Airport All station in Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)
Yellowknife Airport Yellowknife