How to get from Whitehorse to Yellowknife by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Whitehorse and Yellowknife is 1106 kilometers (686 miles).
Driving distance from Whitehorse to Yellowknife is 1880 kilometers (1166 miles)
Route Map
Routes from whitehorse-yukon to yellowknife-northwest-territories
4 Ways from Whitehorse (Canada/Yukon) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Jarvis Street 62 m
2. Turn right onto Second Avenue 869 m
3. Turn right onto Robert Service Way 259 m
4. At roundabout, take exit 2 onto Robert Service Way 3.98 km
5. Turn left onto Alaska Highway, 1, 2 7.72 km
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Whitehorse (Canada/Yukon) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)?
How do I get from Whitehorse (Canada/Yukon) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Whitehorse (Canada/Yukon) to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)?
Trips from Whitehorse
WhitehorseMontrealWhitehorseFairbanksWhitehorsePrince GeorgeWhitehorseEdmontonWhitehorseGrande PrairieWhitehorseKamloopsWhitehorseFort SaskatchewanWhitehorseTokWhitehorseFort St. JohnTrips to Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)
Edmonton, ABYellowknifeHalifaxYellowknifeNew YorkYellowknifeWhitehorseYellowknifeEnterpriseYellowknifeInuvikYellowknifeKelownaYellowknifeVancouverYellowknifeMexico CityYellowknifeInformation about Stations
All station in Whitehorse (Canada/Yukon)
Whitehorse Airport Whitehorse All station in Yellowknife (Canada/Northwest Territories)
Yellowknife Airport Yellowknife