How to get from La Rochelle to Poitiers by car, truck, walk, bike
Distance between La Rochelle and Poitiers is 124 kilometers (77 miles).
Driving distance from La Rochelle to Poitiers is 139 kilometers (86 miles)
Route Map
Routes from la-rochelle-poitou-charentes to poitiers-poitou-charentes
4 Ways from La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Poitiers (France/Poitou-Charentes)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue onto Rue Dupaty 234 m
2. Turn left onto Quai Louis et Noémie Durand 351 m
3. Keep left 74 m
4. Turn right onto Rue du Docteur Schweitzer 152 m
5. Keep right onto Rue du Docteur Schweitzer 32 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Poitiers (France/Poitou-Charentes)?
How do I get from La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Poitiers (France/Poitou-Charentes) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes) to Poitiers (France/Poitou-Charentes)?
Trips from La Rochelle
La RochelleVeniceLa RochelleBrusselsLa RochelleMontpellierLa RochelleLe MansLa RochelleOrléansLa RochelleDijonLa RochelleCorkLa RochelleBesançonLa RochellePerpignanTrips to Poitiers (France/Poitou-Charentes)
RochefortPoitiersBloisPoitiersChambéryPoitiersEdinburghPoitiersBordeauxPoitiersAix-en-ProvencePoitiersAmboisePoitiersBesançonPoitiersChampigny-sur-MarnePoitiersInformation about Stations
All station in La Rochelle (France/Poitou-Charentes)
Laleu Airport La Rochelle All station in Poitiers (France/Poitou-Charentes)
Poitiers-Biard Airport Poitiers