How to get from Accra to Doha by car, truck, bike, walk
Distance between Accra and Doha is 5917 kilometers (3669 miles).
Driving distance from Accra to Doha is 9141 kilometers (5667 miles)
Route Map
Routes from accra-greater-accra to doha-ad-dawhah
4 Ways from Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra) to Doha (Qatar/Ad Dawhah)
Choose 1 of the options below and start your journey
Route instructions
1. Continue 6 m
2. Turn right 58 m
3. Turn left onto Cruickshank Road 160 m
4. Turn sharp left onto Liberia Avenue 263 m
5. Turn left onto Independence Avenue 619 m
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Questions and Answers
What is the cheapest way to get from Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra) to Doha (Qatar/Ad Dawhah)?
How do I get from Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra) to Doha (Qatar/Ad Dawhah) the fastest?
How long does it take to get from Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra) to Doha (Qatar/Ad Dawhah)?
Trips from Accra
AccraSunyaniAccraCotonouAccraSekondi-TakoradiAccraLagosAccraParisAccraAmmanAccraBenin CityAccraLuandaAccraHoTrips to Doha (Qatar/Ad Dawhah)
GenevaDohaAl WakrahDohaCape TownDohaAbu DhabiDohaMarrakeshDohaSerembanDohaHilversumDohaTangierDohaDusseldorfDohaInformation about Stations
All station in Accra (Ghana/Greater Accra)
Kotoka International Airport Accra All station in Doha (Qatar/Ad Dawhah)
Doha International Airport Doha